Monday, September 14, 2009

My girlfriend and Salvia

I heard about Salvia Divinorum from my girlfriend, Emily. She was a big pothead when in school and dabbled in stronger drugs in her youth. Being a young woman in her twenties, nevertheless, she changed her lifestyle and restrict recreational drug consumption to cigarettes, alcohol and occasionally a pot cig. One warm night of summer, we were inside my car, we reclined back our seats, looking up the starred sky. All of a sudden, Emily looked at me and said: I forgot! Have you ever tried Salvia Divinorum?" I said to her I hadn't, and that I didn't know what Salvia was. She took out a brownish vial out of her purse. "I got it from", she said. Black Hat Botanicals? I had never heard of them. "Salvia is a plant of the mint family," she said, "a rare mint from Mexico that is legal in our state and if you smoke it gets you high."

...(to continue)...

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